Monday, 31 December 2007
Happy 2008!

Monday, 10 December 2007
Christmas Decoration Swap

It was great fun to do because I haven't had my paints out for ages so it was good to give them an airing!
The sweeties are all made from Fimo and, although you can't actually see it on the photo, the roof has been done in the same way as the slide mailer below - loads of white UTEE allowed to 'run' while it's still warm, then I dabbed a touch of 'frost' onto it in the form of irridescent glitter glue - my favourite!
Thanks for looking in!
Friday, 7 December 2007
Skinny Saturday - Beauty

Tuesday, 4 December 2007
Last Christmas, I gave you...

I can't remember who's the stamp is, but the 'snow' was created by heating several layers of white UTEE then letting it 'run' while it was still warm, then I touched it up with some clear glitter glue.
I do have one or two things I've been working on to put on here, but until my camera manifests itself, I'm stuck with archive stuff.
Happy Advent to all who drop by!
Saturday, 24 November 2007
In the pub...

Sunday, 18 November 2007
Blog Break
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Arty Girlz Challenge - Bling!
The first is a Magnolia image and the second was sent by my lovely friend Carla, who has tagged me this week, so now I am going to respond to that. Thanks Carla, you're a gem ;o)
1. If you could have 100.00 worth of scrapbook paper or assorted embellishments, which would you choose?
Argh!! How do you choose? Can’t I have a mix? No? OK, I’ll go for the embellishments, but can they be something like 7 Gypsies or Ranger?
2. If you had to choose between using only stamps or rubons, which would you choose?
Without hesitation , Stamps!
3. If you knew how to do both awesome cards and layouts but could only do one for a whole year, which would you do?
Tut! What a rotten question - I’d say cards because I think I could sneak the odd LO onto a card!! LOL!
4. Would you rather own a scrap booking store or have your own scrapping room at home (can’t have both hee hee).
I have this dream - at our local (huge) Garden Centre in their Outdoor Rooms area, they have a wonderful Garden Studio which costs about £10K and it’s so spacious and light and airy and it has a wonderful feel about it. I would love to have one in my garden just for my stash, but even if I could afford it, I don’t have the space in the garden to accommodate it!
5. What is your CURRENT card making or scrapping style?
Hmmm.... Not sure if I have a current style - not even sure if I have a ‘style’, so to speak, I tend to just go with whatever mood I’m in that day, or I might be inspired by something I’ve seen elsewhere and adapt my style to a similar project. Sometimes my style is inspired by a challenge.... I must confess though to having a bit of a thing about blue and gold at the moment though.
Here are the rules????..
Please answer the questions on your blog and tag 5 more people to answer the same questions???.make sure you list on your blog who you are tagging?.Thanks!
So now I tag:
Galina - Galina's Russian upbringing reflects in her style and I absolutely love her projects because they are so different from anyone elses I have ever seen. Plus, she does the most amazing things with relief paint you can imagine!
Elaine - Elaine is amazing, she is one of the first people who's work really, really inspired me and made me desperately want to improve my own style. She's also a really lovely lady who never seems to run out of energy!
Sam - Naturally, I had to have my lovely friend Sam in here because not only is she a good friend, she's also one of those people who's work makes me gasp and sigh and I sooooooo wish I could do it like that! I have sat and watched Sam craft (from the corner of my eye!) and her attention to detail is second to none - every single piece is carefully thought out!
Deb - Deb is a lovely lady I have known for a couple of years now and she never fails to amaze me! Deb is the Background Queen! She takes a blank card and turns it into an amazing work of art without spending a fortune on pre-printed papers!
Emma - Emma probably won't even have time to read this, let alone respond to it as her little angels take up most of her time, but when she does find time to create, she produces the most beautiful pieces of work that never fail to impress!
Right girls, over to you! Go gettem!!! LOL!!
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Chocolate Ice Cream!

Friday, 26 October 2007
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Birthday Card

Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Postcard Swap

Isn't she gorgeous!!! I absolutely love these stamps by Daniel Torrente of Stampotique Originals - Elaine's son described it perfectly, Ghoulish! The poem is one that I sourced from the web. As it had to go through the mail as a postcard I couldn't add any dangly bits which was a shame because I had a fab 'web' that would have just finished it off perfectly! At least it reached it's destination in one piece.
Thanks for looking in!
Sunday, 14 October 2007
Carla's Sketch Challenge - Fall Theme

Saturday Stampers - Pink Ribbon

I've also discovered what I was doing that prevented some of my pics from being enlarged when you click on them, and it works here if you want to see. Thank you for stopping by.
Saturday, 13 October 2007
4 x 4 Friday - Numbers

Friday, 12 October 2007
Zipper Charm

Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Arty Girlz Challenge - Glueless
Sunday, 7 October 2007
Gothic Arch Challenge - Flowers

Saturday, 6 October 2007
Saturday Stamper - DPOV

Wednesday Stamper - Autumn Colours

Thursday, 4 October 2007
Arty Girlz Challenge - Tags
It's a mountboard sizzix-cut tag which I painted first with moonglow stains (you can't actually see from the photo but it's quite sparkly IRL!), then I distressed (too much IMO) with inks and gesso. The paper is Brenda Walton and the stamp is a mag freebie and the Chocolate image is from my box of scrap collage pieces.
Thanks for looking!
Wednesday, 3 October 2007
I've not had a very creative week so far as I've started my new job and I have been so exhausted by the time I get home that I could sleep standing up!! Dear Lord, how on earth am I going to survive this one??? I'm working for two classrooms of 28 children in each, over 3 days a week! I'm sure it's the newness of it all, but everyone else just seems to breeze around quite calmly looking busy, yet in control, but I feel like a whirling dervish dashing about like a mad thing wondering which room I came from and how do I find my way back to it!!! It's scary...
Anyway, here's my tag bit:
4 places I have worked
Alexandra Hospital in Redditch
BBC in Birmingham
Serco Solutions (yah boo sucks!!!!)
4 places I have lived
Worcestershire (3 different houses)
Only the two 'places' I'm afraid! I don't like moving house!
4 favourite foods
Olives (hee hee!!!! I know Sam will read this!!!)
Sun blush tomatoes
Dolcellate cheese
Tesco's Mediterranean Bread - when I can get hold of it!!!
4 places I would rather be
In a swimming pool all by myself and not having to rush off to anything
In a jacuzzi (all by myself and not having to rush off to anything)
In a fabulously organised and well-stocked craft room (all by myself and not having to rush off to anything!!!!)
On a balcony of a villa in Tuscany in the warm sunshine, with a sketch pad and pencil and a big bowl of olives by my side, listening to the sound of my children playing happily with their dad somewhere below! ;o)
And now it's my turn! I tag
Paula and Elaine
and I'll post an oldie pic here - this is one of the things I showed in my presentation to Magnolia when I answered their DT call. As this is a 'Tag' post, I felt it apt to show you a Tag card!! TFL!!!
Saturday, 29 September 2007
My Aristrocratic Title!
My Peculiar Aristocratic Title is: Her Grace Lady Anne the Sophisticated of New Invention Get your Peculiar Aristocratic Title |
ROFL!!! I love it - you can get one too by clicking on the link! Have fun! ;o)
Bird Box Swap

Thursday, 27 September 2007
Wednesday Stamper - MOO Cards

Tuesday, 25 September 2007
Autumn is here...
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Wot... No Eggs!
Tuesday, 11 September 2007
TMTA - Slidemounts
Sunday, 9 September 2007
Gothic Arch Challenge - Family
Saturday, 8 September 2007
It's the weekend....
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
A bit blue...
Monday, 3 September 2007
One more day..
In the meantime, here's a card I made for a forum buddy's birthday - I can show it now because she'll have seen it already
Thanks for looking!
Saturday, 1 September 2007
We have a winner....!!!
Unfortunately, there wasn't a "Highly Commended" certificate to be given, but this little beauty probably wouldn't have stood a chance anyway! It escaped with a score of 14/20, and I received the comments "A very good attempt - a paper insert would add to finish and presentation"! So I forgot!!!! OK???? LOL!
All in all it turned out to be a great day! And on top of all that, ecstatic with my winnings (£1.25 for those who've not been keeping a running total!! LOL!) I found myself signing up to join the committee, and my first gesture was to donate my winnings to the Village Hall Fund (though God knows I need it more than they do!!! LOL!)
Thanks for dropping in - as always your lovely comments are very much appreciated! :o)
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Where did August go???
Monday, 13 August 2007
I've been tagged!
Right then, here are the rules copied directly from Kims blog so that I don't mess up:
1) Send ONE card to someone you know within 7 days! (family, friends, associates, cyber people, etc.) ANYONE!!! Doesn't matter who... just do it. Can you imagine the smile on their face when they open their mailbox and see a card from you?
2) Tag (yes, I know, but this is the only way to spread this) 5 people you know to do the same thing (Tag means tag them to send their own cards to their own people).
3) Proudly display this on your blog to spread a little sunshine and pass it on.If you get tagged again (we can all hope, can't we), send another card!
I tag
Go gettem girls!! :o)
Saturday, 11 August 2007
Emergency Birthday