Friday, 25 July 2008
Tag, Free Papers and a FAB award!

Friday, 18 July 2008
Foiled again!
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Y.ou K.now Y.ou R.ock!
So here's my interpretation. The album which is one of my most favourite's ever is Fleetwood Mac's The Dance (honest, I do listen to other stuff sometimes!! LOL!)
and here's the card:
Hmmmm..... seeing them side-by-side like this you're probably thinking "and...????" LOL!! Well, I don't do deep and cryptic - what you see it what you get - but I will explain my interpretation. I wanted to use only Pink Black and White as they're the colours that stand out most on the album sleeve. OK, it's not quite the same shade of pink but I can't afford a Set Stylist like they can so I had to make do with the closest I could find. The stamp, by Penny Black, is perfect for anything with a music theme but especially so here because of the piano keys. I didn't have any of Stevie's black lace so I improvised and used white. The quote "It's never too late to be what you might have been" couldn't have been more apt for this album as it was one of the last times the band ever performed together as a whole. I always think white pearls look classy, and they were added to pick out the classiness of this sleeve. Around the edge of the cello/violin??? I have added a touch of gold foil - despite their very checkered past I still think that the Mac's have an air of Regality (is that a real word??) about them, and that's represented by the gold foil. The broken heart is symbolic of the broken relationships within the band, both personal and professional. The actual album sleeve has an ethereal look about it which I recreated (ROFL!!!) using a bit of digi masking. So there you go, something I threw together without much thought!! LOL!!
Brilliant challenge girls - I cannot WAIT for the next one!! Thanks for looking in! ;o)
Saturday, 12 July 2008
Looooong post alert!!

Last week we offered to send tag kits to 2 people as part of a challenge - we had so much interest and enthusiasm for this that we decided to send out 4 kits instead. Now I can't reveal anything about those kits just yet, but I did make these tags as Thank You's to the ladies whose names we pulled from the hat:

Phew, that was soooo difficult picking just 7 - I could have multiplied that by 10 at least because there are so many wonderful blogs out there so deserving of this award.
Finally, my week is rounded off with the news that on Wednesday I completed my NVQ and I am a fully qualified Teaching Assistant - I just need a job that will allow me to put it into practise now!
So, if you managed to stick with me this long, go grab yourself a sweetie from the tin and big Well Done to you!! Hopefully I will get more blogging time after next week as the long hot summer (yeah, right! LOL!!) holidays begin!!
Thanks for popping by! ;o) xx