It's me!!! I'm back! Blimey, it's been so long since I last blogged, I've almost forgotten what to do! We had huge computer problems again before Christmas and it just causes so much anxiety. Thankfully our fabby PC-mad friend came to the rescue again and all was well with the world. So much has happened since I last blogged and there have been soooo many giggles along the way. Mainly with the Christmas Production I was involved with. It took over my whole life! If I wasn't pushing kids onto the stage, I was dragging them off, shouting their lines out to them, making props and basically trying to keep myself from drowning in a sea of madness!! LOL!! And then there was Christmas itself - FABULOUS!! What a wonderful time we all had. And then rapture.... Snow!!! Days and days and LOTS of snow! I was in seventh heaven!
But getting back to blogland. This week at Winter Wonderland we are delighted to welcome two new team players on board - Sue and Danielle have agreed to join us to help create inspirational samples to keep the Christmas Spirit alive throughout 2010. I can't speak for anyone else, but somehow Christmas seemed more special to me this year - I certainly hadn't gotten bored with it despite making a Christmas creation most weeks last year.
We have a colour combo theme at Winter wonderland this week - Burgundy and Teal, and here is my creation

Well that's my lot for today - don't want to overdo it, do we!! LOL! If anyone still passes this way, Thank You, I appreciate it! Have a great Sunday all! :o) xx