Over at Sweet Pea Stampers this week we have our second theme "
All that glisten's IS gold!" And we are also being sponsored by our lovely teamie Amy who is the proud owner of
The Purple Crafty Frog and who is exclusively licensed to sell the gorgeous images of Ching-Chou Kuik in decoupage sheets. Now I am not a decoupage person at all but I can assure you, these are just soooooo gorgeous I'm being converted, and if I were to be the person who wins 3 sheets of my own choice, I would be ecstatic! It could be you if you play along with our theme this week!
So here's my offering:
These stamps are so much fun; I showed some of my finished painted images to a friend of mine who just oooooohhhh'ed at them saying that her little girl would love these, so I stamped a few out for her to colour in and the feedback is that she is totally smitten with them! Who wouldn't be!
Well that's my lot for today - I couldn't blog this yesterday because blogger was playing up and wouldn't let me post any pics! Oh well, better late than never I s'pose!!
Have a great week - Oh, and keep an eye open around Sunday, I have a special treat in store for some of you!! ;o) ;o) ;o) xx