This has been a looooong and difficult week for many personal reasons, and yet it seems to have flown by. Half Term already and Yes, I AM looking forward to having a week off, but it's with very mixed feelings. It's one step closer to Middle School for my eldest, which means one more grey hair for me, and in just over 6 weeks I will be in need for some serious therapy!!!! I'm already falling apart at just the thought of the Leavers Assembly and emotional restraint isn't my best trait! Eek!

Anyway, on with this weeks'
Tag, you're it! challenge. Many, many weeks ago
Sam and I drafted up a huuuuuuge list of challenge ideas that we wanted to throw out to all of blogland and I have to confess that the current trend of 'house building' brought this week's challenge to the top of the list quicker than originally intended and we're 'striking while the iron's hot!' so to speak. This one wasn't actually due to make an appearance for a few more months but we were a little concerned that people might be 'housed out' by then, so we decided to jump on the bandwagon and offer it up now. So, if you're feeling in a housey mood, make a House Tag and pop a link onto the blog to share it with the rest of us.
The gold text stamp in the middle of my house is one of my own stamp creations. The flourish and script are Fancy Pants and the window, hearts and squares are woodware clear stamps from the wedding set. I think the brick chimney is a Paper Artsy stamp. Thanks for popping in - go check out the challenge!