It's been such a long time since I blogged. The last few weeks before Christmas really took me by surprise - it seemed to come from nowhere, completely took over my life, then was gone in a flash!!! It all kind of went belly-up when I got a phone call from my son's school informing me that he'd had an accident and could I get over there. He had apparently been running to his next lesson, slipped on some grit at the top of a flight of stems and belly-flopped to the ground taking a chunk of his leg out in doing so. I had to get him to hospital and hold his hand while they stitched him up - that was till they had to get a chair and open a window for me - Wimp!! LOL!! I'm dreadfully needle-phobic and I thought having kids would get me over that but no such luck! LOL!
Anyway New Year got off to a great start with the NY Honours list featuring Robert Plant MBE (good call!!!). I haven't made any resolutions, not real ones, but I do have a few ideas I'd like to put into practise. I certainly intend to do much more stamping - I had a horrid moment this morning while sorting through my stash when I discovered at least half a dozen stamps that I bought in the last few weeks to use on my Christmas cards and instantly forgot about and now I'm annoyed with myself! So first job this year is to organise my stamps better!
First pic of the year is my tag for this week's
Tag, You're It! challenge - use your new stash! One of my Christmas pressies was a flexible art mold and I have been having some fabulous fun with it using polymer clay - more on that to come, but I couldn't resist adding one of my pieces to this tag, which also uses a couple of my new Purple Onion stamps - I love this vintage calendar in particular.
So, Happy 2009 to all who pass this way, I hope it proves to be a very happy, prosperous and creative one for you! Thanks for stopping by! :o)