I've had a busy ol' week with one thing or another, but I shan't bore you with the details because I am sooooooo excited to remind all blog-challenge lovers that today some fabulous blog-buddies and myself have launched our
Winter Wonderland blog. And if you love Christmas, but would prefer to do it without all the stress that goes with it, then this is the place for you because we're going on a slooooow journey to the festive season, but preparing for it well in advance. So come along for the ride, join in the fun and get yourself into the spirit of things - come November, you'll be so glad you did!!! ;o) And Teri has a fabulous stack of blog candy to giveaway to one lucky winner too - what more incentive could you want!!!
So, to kickstart, here is my first offering for our first theme -
Oh Christmas Tree:

And just for the fun of it, I also made a contemporary one as well - a bit out of my comfort zone but I got the idea from a card I received from a lovely forum friend last year and I really liked it, so this is my version:

And then I also used this week's
Saturday Sketch to make this little gift box. There's nothing like crafting for Christmas in the sunshine, let me tell you!

So I hope to see as many of you over there joining in with our weekly themes. They're not all going to be cards, we have a few crafty tricks up our sleeves too ;o)
Thanks for popping in, see you in
Winter Wonderland! :o) xx