OK, instructions on how to make this tag. You know when you make a card and start with a sheet of A4 cardstock, you then trim it down to make it 5x5 or whatever size... you get a couple of strips of card that you trimmed off. What are you going to do with them? Throw them in the recycling bin or save them 'for a rainy day'. Then one day you find you have heaps of scraps of card that are just in the way, taking up space and are probably never going to get used. Well, here's what I do with mine. Grab a box of chalks, or inkpads - whatever is closest to hand, and whizz some colour all over, randomly. It really doesn't matter how it looks because you then take a black inkpad, a stamp or two and stamp away to your hearts content! Next I trimmed the strip of card down at the points that I liked, punched a fancy edge 'for the heck of it' and stuck it onto another of the offcuts, punched a hole in it and threaded a ribbon! That's what tag-making is all about. It doesn't have to be elaborate or time-consuming. Sometimes, as in this case, if I find myself lost for inspiration I will just go through my tag box and maybe play with it some more. Here I just added a bit of stickles and a couple of gems but I made a foul-up with the middle butterfly by spilling some Glossy Accents on it. You can't hide that stuff, it will always shine, even after you've wiped it off!! LOL!! So I just punched another butterfly out in a circle shape, added some sparkly stuff and hid the offending area! This will end up on someone's doormat one day with a simple Thank You message written on the back and hopefully someone will enjoy receiving it as much as I enjoyed making it!
That's the really nice thing about Tag Art - it doesn't need to take an age to make one, you can knock them out while you're waiting for the kettle to boil! They're great for experimenting on and they don't have to be perfect, but they generally look very beautiful when you've finished them off with a gem or two and a bit of ribbon!

So if you've got a cup of tea to make at some point this week, why not pop over to
Tag, You're It!, feast your eyes on the delish samples the team have provided to inspire you and while you're waiting for the kettle to boil knock out a tag with butterflies on using up your paper and card scraps that you can show off and inspire others - go on, you'll be glad you did!! :o)
Thanks for stopping by and have a great BH weekend!! :o) xx