I've been a baaaaaad blogger. I've got this new job you see and it's really taking up all of my time and my head so I don't seem to have any time to do the stuff I want to do any more - I never even get to have a cup of coffee these days! I keep waking up on a Thursday and realising that I've still not done my tag for the challenge blog and instantly my head clears itself of everything including the ability to stick bits of paper together!!! However, I did manage to make one tag for one of the themes in this week's challenge(s) - you can either make a tag using your favourite quote or make a tag that incorporates an image of a family member (or several members of your family if you so wish!). So here's my favourite quote tag, and now I desperately need a cup of coffee - after all, it is the weekend and I think I've earned it!!
Hope you all have a fab weekend! I need to get out more!