Whenever I've been on holiday, usually places like Devon, I always manage to end up at some village show or other and I love the twee-ness of the homecrafts area, you know, where people show off their pots of jam, or their handmade rag-rugs, etc., and secretly I've always wanted to take part in one of these - I love seeing the tables with their "First", "Second" and "Third" prize certificates, and of course the "Highly Commended" one's. The latter always make me laugh because I always equate them to the "Must try harder" comments that so frequently popped up on my school reports!! LOL!
Well, last week I noticed that the Village Show was to be held on 1st Sept so I picked up an entry form from the post office and was delighted to see that there was a category for a Christmas Card! Best of all, the first prize was 75p!!! OMG, I couldn't pass up this opportunity, so I sat up grafting all night (well, while the Big Brother celebrations were going on, anyway!) and I came up with these two. My
Magnolia card was awarded 1st place with an overall score of 18.5/20, along with the comments "Great fun and good use of materials - a little more care needed with cutting!" WHAAAAA????? ROFL!!!! :o)
Unfortunately, there wasn't a "Highly Commended" certificate to be given, but this little beauty probably wouldn't have stood a chance anyway! It escaped with a score of 14/20, and I received the comments "A very good attempt - a paper insert would add to finish and presentation"! So I forgot!!!! OK???? LOL!

I also entered one of my watercolours in the Painting category and came away with Second prize (50p!) and the comment "Excellent detail - well mounted. A little more care needed to avoid prencil showing" and it received a score of 17/20!

I must admit, I was extremely pleased with this because I've never shown any of my watercolours off anywhere, though having said that, it's a few years since I actually did any! tut!
All in all it turned out to be a great day! And on top of all that, ecstatic with my winnings (£1.25 for those who've not been keeping a running total!! LOL!) I found myself signing up to join the committee, and my first gesture was to donate my winnings to the Village Hall Fund (though God knows I need it more than they do!!! LOL!)
Thanks for dropping in - as always your lovely comments are very much appreciated! :o)